Emotionless cryptocurrency signal provider
Automate your trading with thousands of signals every month and over 98% success rate.
Our unique algorithm works by automatically analyzing the market history for each available market, checks current prices against the bases and notifies you at your preferred notification level.

Coinbase Pro
Monthly results
Every month we back test all our signals to provide a detailed report which can be used to adjust your trading strategy with Crypto Base Scanner
February 2025
January 2025
December 2024
Use Crypto Base Scanner signals for manual or automated trading with the supported platforms
Supported exchanges:
Binance, Binance US, FTX, FTX US, ByBit, Bitvavo, Huobi, Bittrex, HitBTC, KuCoin, Coinbase Pro, Kraken, Poloniex, OKEx

3commas *
Supported exchanges:
Binance, Binance US, Huobi, Bittrex, HitBTC, KuCoin, Coinbase Pro, Kraken, Poloniex, OKEx
* requires 3commas marketplace subscription ($14.95)

Supported exchanges:
Binance, Binance US, Bittrex, HitBTC, Huobi, KuCoin, OKEx, Poloniex, Coinbase Pro, Kraken
Access over 16,000 profitable signals every month across 10 exchanges and 7,700+ markets.
1 month
Only €3.23 a week
1 year
Only €2.07 a week
You save 30%
No credit card required.
Frequently Asked Questions
Use Crypto Base Scanner signals for manual or automated trading with the supported platforms
What is the recommended profit %
CBS includes a TP % which is half the median drop, and some bots allow you to use this. Otherwise, you could use the average TP which is around 2.8%
Do I have to use DCAs?
It's optional but highly recommended. DCAs (Dollar Cost Averaging strategy) reduce your break even price which allows you to be in profit more quickly, while also increasing returns.
Do I need to pay extra for signal on 3commas?
Unfortunately, 3coomas requires a separate payment for CBS signals through a subscription in the 3commas marketplace - that's the only way 3commas allows it to be done.
Is Crypto Base Scanner completely hands-off
No, you need to configure your own settings. And occasionally a trade will not recover in the expected time frame and need more DCAs or other intervention.
Does CBS send a signal for every cracked base?
No. CBS filters out signals that are less likely to be successful. For a signal to be sent: the coin pair have more than 1000 hours of history (approx 6 weeks) on the exchange; a respected base success rate of at least 50%; reach the median drop for that pair; price drop must not be due to a known delisting (this filters out >90% of delisting drops)
Does CBS provide short signals ?
No, the strategy is designed to find drops and get into long positions.
What limitations does the trial accounts have ?
The trial accounts have the following limitations Only receive base alerts for 1 exchange Maximum of 25 custom alerts Session only last 24 hours, after that you have to sign in again. Trade history is only visible for the last 14 days Longer time frames on the quick scan are disabled
Do I need to add a credit card or other payment method to use the trial ?
When you create a trial account, you get a free 14 day access
Which payment methods can I use ?
We support a few methods listed below: Bitcoin + Altcoins Credit Card or Debit Card PayPal SEPA Bank transfer iDeal